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Weeks Roses

All photography courtesy of Ralph Atkins

New Product Line

Cherry Orchard

Beginning in the fall of 2009 peach, plums, nectarine and apricot trees will be available for bare root spring sales. All prunus cultivars are planted on Nemaguard and Lovell rootstock so they are compatible to a wide range of soil types. The Lovell rootstock is primarily for southern soils; Nemaguard for the Midwest and northern areas. In addition to peaches, figs, persimmons and pomegranates will also be available.

By the following fall 2010, apples, cherries, blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries and ornamental fruit trees will be available. The apples will be budded onto MM111 for semi-dwarf specimens. All items will be offered in bare root and container.

Please revisit our sight periodically. Additional information will be added as it becomes available.